Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vacation...maybe it's the teeth!

I.NEED.A.VACATION! We haven't been on vacation since our honeymoon (i.think)!!! That means it has been just about 4 years. Life is really making me exhausted lately!!!! Maybe it's this teething my poor munchkin is going through right now.
I can't even believe that Noelani will be 2 in just about three months. CRAZY. Right now she is battling her upper left 2 yr old molar coming in. When she got her two front upper teeth we thought they were coming in sideways! We couldn't tell what was going on because they were SO blistered and swollen. It wasn't until her pediatric appointment that we were told her poor teeth had burst capillaries in her gums and caused them to blister/swell. She's going through the same exact thing with this molar - she is so good that she rarely complains. I notice her chewing her hands a lot & we've had some rough nights - but overall she hasn't complained a lot!

This is my baby at 6 months old - practicing to brush her teeth. I SWEAR she had half a mouth full of teeth by then! She learned at a very early age to brush her teeth & that it's important we do this every morning and night. I will just be SO glad when she has a full set of teeth and these 2 year molars are over with. I just feel so bad for her because I know it must feel so crappy with them coming in!
I too, am really tired from her not wanting to sleep and waking up at the butt crack of dawn every morning (5:30am!!!!). I just hope once these teeth are in, she goes back to sleeping a normal schedule. YAWN....speaking of sleep....I better get her to bed - and just maybe I will catch a few hours too.
Oh believe me....I AM grateful to be able to complain about these things. There are people I know who cannot complain of these things because they want for a child. I completely understand it.....and believe me, if I had to live with a child who only slept 5 hours a night I would. and human.


  1. My vote: Your next vacation is where ever we end up moving to next. The kids can play together, mommies and daddies can meet each other, and you have a free place to say. And no, we still dont know where we are going and its flipping frustrating now that we only have 4 months left here. We still have fingers crossed for Vegas. We are still trying to work it.

  2. YES!!! I agree 100% with this!!! I cannot wait to plan this trip :)
    I know it's got to be frustrating to not know where your lifes will be uprooted to in the next 4 months!! I am hoping for you guys too since I know right now you are sad on the things the kiddos get to miss out on. What better place to catch up on all the excitement than Vegas! PLUS it will be closer to Mimi & Papa - an airplane ride within reach that doesn't cost an arm & a leg. :)
