I thought maybe tonight I would try it. It did not go so well. I walked out of Noelani's bedroom and she began crying. The second I turned around she was crying hysterical saying "handddd handdddd" and so she grabbed my hand to pull me into her room. I said "Did Mommy forget something?" - "Yesssssh". I said "what did I forget!?"....."BIPISSSSSS" (for some weird reason this is what she calls her pacifier. She walked me into the room and pointed to the can that holds them. Sigh. I'm a sucker. She knows it. My poor little girl is SO attached to this thing. When she had her surgery back in March and couldn't suck, she sat there on the floor SCREAMING in tears with binkies in her hands rubbing them on her face. HOW pitiful is that!? It was at that moment that I told her "Noey you can have it until you are 45 if you want sweetheart!!!!" It was a rough few days. I don't think her and I slept more than an hour and a half at a time without hysterics.
There's my binky baby in all her glory. That ugly little lamb at the top, she has to roll her fingers through his ears to fall asleep. I think I've washed him a zillion times and he still looks gross haha! My friend at work got her the hippo and she LOVES him. The little seahorse is a modern day glow worm and she has to listen to him to fall asleep. All in all, my gal is pretty strict with her routines!
Yesterday, I was at my moms house and found an old bottle of Noelanis. I thought it would be interesting to see what she would do with it. I filled it up and handed it to her, in which she replied "babies?!" I told her to go ahead and drink it and she tried to sip and said "help pwease!!" My poor baby is a big girl now - only 7 months ago the baba was her life. When I took the bottle away from her, I literally did it in one day. I just cold turkey stopped giving it to her. She was never a baby who went to bed with a bottle or napped with one, so I think it was fairly easy because of that. The binky however is a different story!
Ah well - as a co-worker of mine says "once you take away the baby things from them, you can't get it back - don't rush it". I think my friend's son must be ready to get rid of it! My other friends daughter told her when she was done with it at 2.5. I think after tonight, I know she's not ready to get rid of it yet. It's ok, she will get rid of it someday. Hey - she probably won't want to go to high school with it right?!....Ermmmm I hope so!!!
On a lighter note....she had her first gymnastics class this past Saturday. She l.o.v.e.d it! Auntie Abeeda (it's really Amanda, but somehow that is how she pronounces it) came with us. She ran around like crazy for the entire 45 minutes. She enjoyed every part of it, but was a little bit nervous on the balance beam. But I must say, she has the memory of an elephant and it amazes me sometimes! Yesterday we were at my moms and they had molding laying on the floor (they are in the process of remodeling the dining room), and she was walking on it just like a balance beam haha. She then proceeded to use my mothers wedge from the hospital to practice somersaults. Once she got tired of the wedge, she successfully completed her first somersault on the floor! Yay Noey!!!
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