Monday, September 26, 2011

Oink Oink....The tale of a TOO full piggy!

Hello new piggy - bye bye little baby piggy
(We have to go to the bank this weekend and deposit her actual dollars!!)

Well on the left you see Noelani's new piggy bank! Her little guy on the right was almost busting at the seams. As I said before, I always try to do special things with Noey since I have to work. SO, today we went to Target. She loves shopping. When we pull up to the mall or stores she always yells "shopping!!!!".

I had been eyeing this polka dot piggy you see above for quite some time. I couldn't bring myself to spend nearly $20 on it, even though it matched her big girl room. We frequent Target quite often and I had seen it on clearance for $13.98....then $9 something....then $6 something. Well, I told myself - she really doesn't need it....and TODAY, it was $3.48. I couldn't pass that up. SO, I told Noey "when we get home we can fill this piggy with alllllll the money from your baby piggy". She smiled and got all excited. I thought she would get a kick out of it and she did.

She must have sat on that floor with me for at least 30 minutes putting all of those pennies in the new piggy. She had so much fun (amazing how us adults forget the joy in such small things). 

She kept picking up the little piggy and shaking him out making sure there wasn't anything left in there HAHA! Once she felt confident she got them all out....she had to give it one last look:

She was so into this that when Dada came home she ran and said "Dadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and ran right back to putting her money away. THAT is a rarity!

Side note:
Yesterday we went to my sisters house and my mom brought muffins. Noelani thought they were cupcakes and was so very excited when she saw them. She began clapping and jumping saying "yayyyy". I sat her in her little chair there and cut up her muffin and as SOON as she grabbed them, she shoveled it in her mouth. She was playing around and licked her hands really fast and screamed "MMMMMM BUTTCAKES" LOL! All of us cracked up and I pointed to the muffins and said "what are these?!"....She responded and said "BUTTcakes". That girl cracks me up!!!! 

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