Monday, September 17, 2012

This is not how I want things to happen

Why isn't our daughter home yet? Contact issues!!!! Her birthmom, mom, whatever people may label her at this point has not contacted our agency back in a week. Let me make it clear that if you are speculating shes going to keep the baby or change her mind, she has not seen the baby since Aug 24. It is impossible for me to imagine her changing her mind at this point.
It is driving us crazy because the agency has to follow certain protocols before they can just show up at her house. Antoine and I are concerned that something may have happened to her but i know that is just me being pessimitic AND me thinking "how on earth could she not call and ask about her baby for a week?!". BUT i must look at things in her point of view. I would imagine she must separate herself from this to some extent or she would go crazy.
I also found out today that the agency took a week to call us after the baby was born to "sort things". It had nothing to do with birthmom or any thought of her changing her mind. It was simply them making sure the baby was healthy and then them digging through paperwork for our contact info It kind of makes me wonder what birthmom does with our pics and letters since we always put out address and phone info in there. Ah well i could wonder 100 different scenarios. At this point they are waiting for her to call back responding to their letter. Prayers that it doesnt go further. They discussed getting DCFS involved and that is REALLY not how i want things to happen.
We offered through email tonight to pay someone at the agency to go to her home by Wed if no contact was made. Legally i am not sure if they have to send the DCFS letter first. Again, this is totally not how i want it to go. I think she really does not understand the urgency of this paperwork.
I have to admit tonight, Antoine tried texting the # we have for her. No response. We tried to call the # and blocked our number and again no answer. No voicemail picked up either. So i have no clue if that is even a valid number, nor do I know if its not working properly.
All we can do is wait and let the agency do what they must. At this point i hate to be negative towards birthmom but she is really making me feel this baby would be safer with us. Again, I want her here asap. But i also want birthmom not to feel pressured, nor do I need or want her changing her mind when she signs (NY has a 30 day period after signing). It isnt as simple as her saying gee i just want the baby back, BUT she could challenge it within that time frame. SO it is best to know this is everything she chose and was not forced into feeling.
Hopefully by next week we will for sure know something if it makes it as far as the agency visiting her home.

1 comment:

  1. You must be in pins and needles! I am praying for your family that it all goes well.
