Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Oh dear my daughter calls you.  You replaced one obsession - BINKIES. For that I am grateful. However, you are gross. Yep, I said it! There is no amount of bleach and laundry soap that I can use to make you beautiful once again!
You were never meant to go in the dryer, so your "fur" is matted and no longer nice and fluffy. Your back has a hole in it, because you were a sound soother that my daughter has become attached to (we ripped your "noise maker" out). Your ears have strings hanging from them and are shredded at the ends, because she chews on you to fall asleep. You must go EVERYWHERE.....In fact, Nana even bought a mini version of you so that Noelani can take you to daycare everyday. (And secretly so we don't lose YOU - the original - because that day will be a NIGHTMARE)!!

I wonder how long you will stick around? No other stuffed animal can take your place, and it is a feverish hunt before bed to make sure you are snuggled fast asleep next to my baby girl. 

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