Sunday, July 22, 2012


WELL, we were hoping to finish our remodeling by the end of this weekend. My body said otherwise!!!
Ever have one of those weeks you just wish you could reset??
Sunday night I couldn't sleep, and for some reason Noelani ended up in my bed. I FINALLY fell asleep around 4am, and have to be up at 530am. I decided I would call work and tell them I would come in at 830 instead and try to snooze a bit.
The next am, I woke up in a panic when I realized it was 6:57am and I start at 7am! Once again, called work to come in late. By that evening, I felt SO nauseous. I was spiking a fever and could barely stand.
Come Wednesday, I woke up, went downstairs, and IMMEDIATELY turned around to head for my phone and bed - I was NOT going to work in this condition. With that being said, anyone with a 2 year old knows, it's impossible to "rest" if you are sick. Daddy came home at 930am, but a little girl named Noelani kept sneaking upstairs.
I didn't so much mind her coming in - cause I know she wanted to snuggle, but I was so terrified I would get her sick! I pretty much laid in bed all day, drank some squirt and slept in between being used as a trampoline by her.
Thursday rolled around, and I still felt like crap but went to work. All day long, I was just feeling awful and my fever still wouldn't break. The problem and reason why i forced myself, is that Noelani, for the past 2 winters is the SICKEST child I know. I am PRAYING that now she has her singulair as a respiratory controller for her asthma, that this won't be the issue this coming winter. BUT, it has left me with little to no time to take off of work.
I pushed through thursday, until the afternoon, when  I started feeling like I was swallowing razor blades. Friday am, I forced myself to work again....but felt even worse. I called the dr and the latest they could see me after work was 2pm. My boss said no problem and even offered if i was feeling too sick that i could leave. I took her up on that and called the office back, got an appointment for 45 min later and was gone.
Strep throat, antibiotics, and ibuprofen 800mg later, in tears, I was headed home with dr orders to "rest in bed". I go home, to a whiney little girl, who starts telling me "Mommy, I need a bandage for me forehead". She kept crying and rubbing her head. She had already taken an 1.5 hr nap before I got home...but a couple hours later, around 2 she was ready to sleep again. She kept crying and I told antoine "something is NOT right".
We dozed off, and I kept getting woken up by her whimpering in her sleep. All of a SUDDEN I hear gagging, AND, (mind you I am STILL sick and nauseous), she beings puking ALL over me, AND the bed. Our electric seemed to not be working as I sat up. I yelled for Antoine and I finally got her into the tub....and was told we had an "electrical issue" with the remodeling. Uhm, yeah our living room and what is soon to be dining room had no electric. Needless to say I started freaking out. Finally got an electrician here (thank GOD) on a friday night at 8pm and after 1.5 hrs he fixed our issue.
My parents meanwhile were over (mom helping me and Noey, Dad helping Antoine). My wonderful sister went to the store and dropped off some MORE crackers and pop lol and added some pedialyte to that order! We spent our Friday night eating soup and crackers.
Needless to say this weekend has been a WASTE. We have SO much to get done, and I still don't feel 100%!
Guess it goes to show you, when you get older, it is much more hard to get better as fast! This flu or whatever it is, has been lingering since last Tuesday evening and I JUST able to break this fever today - whereas, Noelani seems to be just about back to herself, except being a bit more tired!
Pays to be young I guess!!

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