Tuesday, June 5, 2012

We are almost potty trained - dare I say it?

So, for months I've stressed over getting rid of stupid d.i.a.p.e.r.s!! Noelani's dr said "she's still young" - but WHY did it seem like I was the only one with a kid in diapers at 2 years old? I have heard and read all of these stories about kids being potty trained at 18 months old. Not my Miss Noelani....she wanted nothing to do with it. I could get her to pee or poop every once in a while but nothing consistent.
I invested in princess pull ups, a toilet seat potty, and a training potty. I explained to "tell mommy". I gathered toys, books, etc - nothing helped! My last resort, is that I have vacation at work scheduled for July, and my intent is not to leave the house....and if I have to duct tape her to the toilet I would - TOTALLY serious joking.
Well, Saturday 6.2.12 rolled around, and something in my mind clicked. I am so sick of buying diapers, and wipes, and a&d, etc. I KNOW she is smart enough to get this! She can fricken count in not only english, but spanish for God's sake and communicate simple sign language. She can name all of her shapes (including a hexigon and octagon!) and colors. My thought- there is no.excuse.
I busted out the 10 or so pairs of underwear I had for her, took her diaper off and told her, don't pee in the undies. If you use the potty, you get a piece of candy (a piece of pez - not totally thrilling, but for a kid who never gets candy it's like the greatest thing in the world). I sat her on the potty a minute later, ::tinkle:: she peed! I showed her how we dump, flush, rinse and get candy.
One accident....and then she went back on there once I asked......one time after that, she ran and forgot to pull the undies down and sat and peed on the potty through the undies (I'll take it!). Again, she went to play, forgot about the potty and peed in her toy room....BUT she told me "mommy I pooted" (her own weird word for pee). After that, we had a solid, evening free of accidents!!
Onto Sunday - we did great except for lunchtime. While eating lunch I heard trickles....she peed in her booster....it's ok, I expected it. That was her only accident.
Monday, I take her to daycare at 6:45 am, Daddy gets her at 9:45am. He brought her home, changed her into undies....and away she went with no accidents!! I got home at 3:15, she was just getting up from nap, sat on the potty - and that's how our evening went. NO ACCIDENTS.
She used the potty all evening, unprompted. The BIGGEST shock? When she came RUNNING from her toy room, ripped undies off, and did #2 on the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At nighttime, I put a diaper on her, she was laying in bed crying "pee pee mommy downstairs". I ran to get the potty, she sat and peed!!! She woke up dry this am, and when I woke her up she said "pee pee!" She sat on the potty and peed once again! I put her in undies until we left for daycare this am at 6:30. I really don't want her to have an accident on the rug at daycare (since it's my friends house) - so the best option I had was to put her in a princess pull up and hope this deters her from peeing in it! Daddy will be there around 9:30 again so she can go home into undies!
It is now almost 8am and I just got a text saying she went potty at daycare. ::doing a happy dance::
I would hesitate to say it's this easy to potty train a child.....I can't even say i'm confident we are there....but I'm PRETTY darn sure we have a GREAT start to this!!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud of my princess!!!!

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