I feel like Noelani and I have always had an immediate special bond. The first time I looked in her eyes, I could not control my emotions. I had never cried tears of joy - never in my life - in 28 yrs isn't that crazy?....I could never understand when people would cry from happiness. That day, March 26th, 2010, I got that experience. I have never had so much joy fill my entire body in my life. I could not even stop the tears. It was almost as if it was as natural as the air I was breathing. The tears would not stop flowing!
After I had time to let it sink in, I then thought of the amazing feeling I had and thought of Noelani's birth mom & birth dad. Something at that very instant brought me such amazing joy, and at that very moment, they were aware that they would never be her mom & dad again. It almost made me feel guilty for having that much joy in my heart.
I have talked before about how badly I want to make our relationship with Noelanis birth mother a more open relationship. I WANT her to be a part of our lives. I WANT her to respond. I WANT her to send us more information on Noelani's behalf.
I could never understand why they would not want the same.
Not until today.
They say God puts people in your life at unexpected moments, but it is never done by mistake. Nothing God does is by mistake. NOTHING. I had a very trying week as a mom, and a full time working mom. My baby was very sick with viral gastroenteritis. November and December are the busiest months of the year in my job. I am EXPECTED to work overtime and am not allowed to take vacation. This did not happen this week, and Noey being sick, combined with working 10 hour days, made for one TIRED.CRANKY mommy.
I was ready to leave in a half hour, and my boss told me I could just leave then, and she went home. As I was getting ready to leave, I saw a co-worker of mine, that I see every day and usually just say a quick hi and bye to...however, she always asks about Noelani. ALWAYS! It's always been such a nice gesture since her and I have never worked hand in hand, but she genuinely seemed interested in Noey.
Today, she asked me "how is your daughter?".....I responded with a little smile and said "ohhhh getting big and sassy!" For the LIFE of me, I cannot remember what sparked our conversation, but next thing I knew she was telling me "you know I had a baby I gave up for adoption right?".....I don't know if it was her being nervous or what, but uhm, hello - NO! I had NO clue! She is probably the same age as my mom....so her using the term "gave up" really didn't shock me. (As a sidenote: Adoption is not now what it once was and terminology and views have changed a lot. Seeing that she is my mothers age, and she had her daughter when she was 18 - my best guess is that this daughter of hers would have been born about 30 years ago).
Anyway - I was saying something to the effect of "people just don't understand how loved my daughter is." I was explaining that she is so lucky to have 2 families who love her. She smiled and got teary eyed and said "yes, I know". She then proceeded to tell me, she was 18 at the time and later in life had 2 more children.
I expressed to her that I was having a tough time understanding why Noelani's birth mom never responds. She said "maybe it's too hard". This was something people have told me, but somehow, for some reason, it stuck to me different this time. This time I could feel the emotion behind it, from someone who had "been through it".
She then explained to me that the organization she placed her daughter through believed in closed adoption, so she has never had any contact with her. She stated she wishes SO bad that she could, but she doesn't want to "ruin her daughters life". I looked puzzled for a moment and she explained.
She never wanted to see a picture of her baby. The reason : she had a hard time 6 months after placing her, and she wanted to run and find her and change her mind. It was too late. She felt that it was best for her not to have information on her daughter, because in her words she is "the type of person who will throw a party and invite everyone because she feels its the right thing to do and doesn't want anyone to be left out", she was trying to explain she is a very emotional person and gets very attached. She could not imagine seeing a picture of her baby, because she would want to run and take her away. She would imagine herself becoming, for lack of a better word, a nuisance. She said, she knew if she ever would have allowed info to be passed, or received, she would want to be a part of every.single.thing that her daughter did - and she knew it couldn't happen.
She asked me if I could imagine Noelani's birth mother doing that? I responded - "I WANT that relationship". She told me "sometimes things are a blessing in disguise"...she said "Thank God for what you have, and know that sometimes things are meant to be for a reason". I explained that Noelani has 3 sisters, to which she responded "Well, clearly her birth parents know exactly how easy it is to love a child, and to grow an attachment to a child is easy - and maybe that is something they do not want to do". That hit me. I never thought of that. How EASY do I love Noey? How FAST did I love her? THE INSTANT I even knew she existed, I.LOVED.HER. They know this feeling times 3 other children......so yes, I now understand. It is hard.
My co-worker had went on to raise her 2 other daughters as a single mother. As a single mother, with no support from their fathers, she had a hard time accepting it when the father came back into the picture (once her daughters were much older). She told me that once the father came into the picture, she became angered. She stated, how dare she raise her girls and now they want him in their lives? She stated again "Jenn, sometimes, things are blessings in disguise. Wait until your daughter is old enough to understand - THEN seek it out. Maybe by then she can contact her birth mother". She explained to me, that she doesn't think a child younger than 18 could understand me constantly outreaching and getting no response. I am not sure about that part - but I do understand now. I see now, this co-worker has in a way, been on both ends of the spectrum. As the birth parent and the emotions an adoptive parent goes through. I was thankful for her advice and honesty....and the quick tears we shared. Most of all, I am thankful for as she says, blessings in disguise.
I think the next time we give each other a quick hi and a smile in passing, it will have a much deeper meaning. I am thankful for God bringing her into my life, even for those few minutes we chatted.
And I don't doubt for a SECOND that Noelani will always know how much I love her! I constantly tell her I love you throughout the day. A child needs to hear it. Always remember that! Sometimes, even when there are no words, you can tell your child I love you, and they will remember that for the rest of their lives. Even IF she gets the opportunity to meet her birth mother one day, I know in my heart she will never question the love I have for her.
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