Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"my cakes fell"

Normally Noelani and I have to wake up around 5:30 on weekdays. This allows us time to shower, get dressed, get her to daycare & get myself to work by 7am. Every fourth week I dont start until 8:30am.
This week being an 8:30 week means we can "sleep in" until 7. As she is getting older she has been sleeping a bit later until almost 8:00 some days!
WELL, this morning I woke up to her screaming hysterically. When I listened to the monitor i could hear her saying something fell. I have wondered for a while now if she has dreams at night. Well i guess so!! When i ran into her room she was crying "MY CAKES FELL MOMMY. MY CAAAAKES". She was dreaming about some cake that apparently fell hahahahahahah!!!!
This girl loves her sweets!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


This is kind of a random post. But I just downloaded the app on my iphone so i'm trying it out.
I was scrolling through pictures of my baby girl and I have to say, I am so happy we opted for her to have her surgery last year. Some may not know but Noelani had an AWFUL "tongue tie" as they call it. In fact the surgeon said it was probably the worst she ever saw!!
Anyway, because of the surgery mu baby can now do one of the simplest things in the world: